5 Reasons You Feel Nauseous

Jun 20, 2024
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Feeling nauseous isn’t uncommon, but there’s no denying how unpleasant it can be. IV therapy can help manage many types of nausea, including the five in this list.

Nausea is a common symptom for people of all ages — and no matter what causes it, it’s definitely unpleasant. Accompanied by vomiting or diarrhea, nausea can lead to dehydration and low levels of important nutrients necessary for supporting normal body functions like circulation and nerve activity.

At IV Replenish Bar, our team offers nausea treatment using hydration therapy tailored to your needs for rapid relief of symptoms. Here are five common causes of nausea that hydration therapy can treat.


Pregnancy is a time of major changes, including fluctuations in your hormone levels. Many women experience nausea in the first trimester of pregnancy and, sometimes, the final weeks before delivery as an expanding uterus presses against your stomach. 

Nausea can also lead to dehydration and depletion of key electrolytes and minerals that are important for both the mom-to-be and the developing baby. Loss of fluids through vomtining and perspiration can also lead to a decline in blood volume, interfering with the distribution of vitamins and minerals to your uterus and baby.

Fortunately, hydration therapy can help. Our infusion therapy fights off signs of nausea, replenishing fluids and replacing electrolytes and other minerals and vitamins lost through vomiting. It restores normal fluid and nutrient levels and also helps banish feelings of fatigue that frequently accompany pregnancy.


Migraines involve unusual nerve reactions that lead to increasing pain sensations. Because nerves depend on electrolytes for normal function, hydration therapy can help prevent or lessen migraine symptoms by optimizing levels of key electrolytes.

Hydration therapy also prevents dehydration that can happen when migraines are accompanied by nausea or bowel changes. Some minerals, like magnesium, help relax blood vessels and improve blood flow, relieving tension that exacerbates symptoms.

Motion sickness

If you’ve ever been car sick or seasick, you know how unpleasant those symptoms can be. Worse, feeling nauseous and dizzy can persist long after the motion itself has stopped, sometimes due in part to dehydration from vomiting.

Hydration therapy alleviates those symptoms quickly, restoring normal fluid balance and replenishing vitamins and minerals lost through vomiting. 

Some vitamins, like vitamin B6, can help prevent motion sickness before it occurs. Because of its effects on the body’s natural balance system, infusions with vitamin B6 may help prevent motion sickness for those who are prone to it.

Hangovers or food poisoning

While these conditions certainly have different underlying causes, they both involve toxins entering the body, and both can cause nausea, vomiting, and dehydration. 

Hydration therapy provides prompt relief for both issues by delivering adequate fluid to help your body eliminate toxins more quickly. Plus, vitamins and minerals work to balance out nutrient levels to help your body heal and recover more quickly.

Vertigo or dizziness

Most people have felt dizzy at some point, often as a result of nasal congestion from a cold or allergy. But sometimes, dizziness or vertigo (the sensation that the room is spinning) happen for other reasons, including underlying diseases that affect your body’s balance (vestibular) system.

Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), Meniere’s disease, and some types of migraines can cause dizziness or vertigo severe enough to lead to nausea and vomiting. 

Hydration therapy at IV Replenish Bar addresses dehydration associated with vomiting while also providing nutrients to help improve circulation and optimize nerve activity. Some nutrients also help ward off inflammation in the inner ear, another cause of dizziness and related nausea.

Hydration therapy for your health

Hydration therapy can be an excellent solution for recurrent nausea, and it can support your health in other important ways, too. 

To learn more about hydration therapy and its potential role in your health and wellness routine, request an appointment online or over the phone with the team at IV Replenish Bar in Brownsville and Downtown Brooklyn, New York, today.